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Gordian Therapy

A Cleverly Simple Approach to Psychotherapy

What are the Gordian Pillars of Psychotherapy?

Gordian Therapy is a Strategic approach that uses the Gordian Pillars of Psychotherapy created by Gordon Young of the Institute of Applied Psychology.

The Gordian Pillars of Psychotherapy is a simple and unique framework to explain the patterns of thought and behaviour that underpin almost every psychological problem the average person struggles with. There are predictable pillars for everything from Anxiety, depression, and addiction right through to grief, OCD, PTSD and Post-natal depression.

The Gordian Pillars are represented simply in easy to follow graphics so you can share your insights with your clients and help them, understand why they have the problem.

The Gordian Pillars are predicated on the role of cognitive distortions in psychological issues. Because of this, those of you who have studied Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) will be familiar with many of the terms. What is new, and for many a step beyond CBT, is how these distortions have been collated into predictable unconscious patterns for each therapeutic issue.

For example, from a Gordian Therapy perspective, there are only certain ways you can experience anxiety. You might worry about different things from someone else, but you have to over-analyse and

second guess things, you have to imagine future catastrophes, you have to be uncomfortable with the uncertainties in a situation, and you have to feel like you do not have control of your own thoughts or feelings. These are all essential elements of running anxiety.

A slightly different pattern is required to produce PTSD or addictions, but thankfully, for all common psychological conditions, there is a shared “CORE” set of factors we can treat from the outset.

Why Learn the Gordian Pillars?

1) Significantly improve your therapeutic or coaching outcomes
2) Discover simple ways to explain the problem to the client in a way
that makes sense to them. A client who is onboard and informed does
much better than a client who is still confused by the process
3) Enjoy the security of always knowing what you can tackle in a clinic
or coaching session that will make an impact at that moment
4) Have a clear framework to tackle 18 common psychological conditions
5) The competitive advantage – be one of the few practitioners of this
new therapeutic model
6) Adaptability – The Gordian Pillars can easily be tacked on to almost any other existing model you have
7) Point of distinction – be one of the few and secure a marketing advantage

Rest Assured, this is

the Leading Edge

“Strategic Psychotherapy as taught by Gordon Young at the Institute of Applied Psychology is a major advancement beyond CBT and ACT, and potentially the next big thing in psychotherapy.”

Dr. William Herfel
University of Newcastle

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Coach Bev Unitt
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Gordian Therapy

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